(731) 285-0726

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 4PM

(731) 285-0726

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 4PM
Weekend Food For Kids

The Backpack Program provides meals for children who otherwise would not have enough food over the weekend.

Students are recommended through their school by teachers or counselors, after which parents are notified. The food is selected for ease of preparation and nutritional value, with the goal of providing children with filling, easy-to-prepare food. A typical backpack includes dried fruit, canned fruit, two canned entrees, two breakfast items, shelf-stable milk, 100% fruit juice, and crackers.

“The program is discreetly operated to ensure the privacy of the students involved.”

Who We Serve

The program currently serves over 100 children in Dyersburg, Dyer County, and Halls schools. This year alone, we will send home over 3,000 bags of weekend food with children. Money generated from our thrift stores and donors funds this program which costs $4.20 per week or $126.00 for the entire thirty weeks to provide food for one child. Amanda Jenkins and Kay White volunteer to coordinate this program. Like them, many other volunteers buy, pack, and deliver the sacks of food to the schools.

Photo Gallery

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We offer multiple ways to give to the underserved children and youth in our community.

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